6 stories to create
Mr. Men Little Miss Vol.3
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Ma Fabrique et FLAM

Type de livre audio
Mes Histoires à Composer

“The next day, Mr Marvellous set out determined to get the better of Little Miss Naughty. But he could not go anywhere. Someone had let down his car tyres! And we all know who that someone was. Try as he might, Mr Marvellous could not be as naughty as Little Miss Naughty.”
Some more of the much loved Mister Men Little Miss adventures are available for download on My Fabulous Storyteller!
Do not miss the very clean Little Miss Neat and her sloppy, jolly, forgetful, cuddly, and brilliant friends!
Mr. Messy
Little Miss Neat
Mr. Funny
Little Miss Scatterbrain
Mr. Marvellous
Little Miss Hug
Barbara Weber-Boustani