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12 stories to create
The Adventures of Tom
À écouter sur
Ma Fabrique et FLAM
US (Anglais)
Type de livre audio
Mes Histoires à Composer
Zoe, Leo, Lily and Tom are heading off to discover the 6 Kingdoms. From the Ice Kingdom and the Forest Kingdom to the Sea Kingdom, our four heroes have lots of funny, marvelous and captivating adventures.
Join Tom on his marvelous explorations, and make breathtaking discoveries! Curious about everything, Tom is thirsty for knowledge! With a magnifying glass in hand, he explores the remotest corners of the Kingdoms, looking for mysteries and hidden treasures. Whether he’s exploring a forgotten pyramid or teaching a troll to swim, Tom, the budding scientist, stops at nothing to uncover the Kingdoms’ deepest secrets.
Extrait n°1
Romain Lesiuk
Adam Verner
Christiana Hills
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